Should I choose retrofit double glazing or replacement double glazing?

The retrofit or replace question is one we get asked a lot at Eversure, and while we have solutions available for fitting double glazing into almost all existing aluminium and timber joinery, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration when making this decision.

Retrofit Double Glazing

When we talk about retrofit double glazing, we are talking about our reFIT services.

Our reFIT services offer the ability for modern, high performing double glazing solutions to be installed into existing timber or aluminium frames. It means you can get all the benefits many homeowners seek from double glazing (drier, warmer home in winter, cooler in summer etc.) without the need to remove all the joinery.

If your frames still have life in them, this is clearly going to be the most cost-effective path to a more comfortable home.

However, there are some restrictions when it comes to retrofit double glazing. The obvious one is that it isn’t possible to change the configuration and functionality of your windows. This is less of an issue if you are happy with how your current windows are set out and operate currently.

Replacement Double Glazing

Where aluminium frames are approaching the end of their service life, or timber frames have become compromised or degraded, replacing your frames becomes a more appropriate option. This is where our reFRAME service come to the fore. View our reFRAME options for Timber joinery here, and our reFRAME options for Aluminium joinery here.

By installing new frames you are effectively working with a blank slate. You have the ability to improve the functionality or change or colour of your joinery, plus you have the option to be able to configure the new frames to best suit your needs.

An added benefit is that if you are wanting to maximise the overall thermal performance and reduce the amount of condensation you see on your standard aluminium frames, thermally separated aluminium reFRAME joinery will help you achieve this.

All these details and more are covered as part of our double glazing consultation with you at your home to ensure your double glazing solution is suitable for you and your home. You can request a double glazing consultation here.


Is Retro Double Glazing Worth It?